received "green innovator" award from geneva,switzerland

Welcome to La Mere De


The Department of Administration oversees all the administrative function of the company. The Department's functionality covers a very wide array of services including safety and security, maintenance, event management, documentation management for assets, purchase etc. The Department has several sections to look after different functions. The security section administers the headquarters security detail as well as coordinates security aspects of factories and other locations. The purchase team assesses and purchases the majority of the procurement for the company. The legal section coordinates and administers all the legal issues on behalf of the company. The liaison and protocol section carries out liaison and protocol activities. The large pool of vehicles of the Group is also administered and maintained by this Department. Given the size and business width, the Department of Administration plays a very distinctive role in the daily working of the Group.


La mere de operates its business using the maximum utilization of limited and expensive resources. To face this challenge successfully, La mere de aims to establish a committed, visionary and strategic Finance Department which can play a significant role for the sustainable growth of the Group. Finance Department facilitates other departments with positive mindset. This Department is run by a team of professionally sound, experienced and highly skilled people who can always think out of the box. These business friendly people are groomed to support business for all internal and external stakeholders. The continuous endeavor has been engaged for the overall development of each individual as well as the team. The highly motivated team members of Finance Department are evaluated periodically based on their performance. Every member of the team is getting training by internal and external resources for the development of that individual.

Finance Department's core activities are transaction processing and preparation of Finance Statements, treasury planning, costing of products, budgetary control, feasibility study, working capital management etc.The team is working shoulder to shoulder for continuous improvement to keep pace with the rapidly changing national and global economy.

Internal Audit

Internal Audit Department was established for the purpose of providing the Group management with reasonable assurance that the management control system throughout the company is adequate and operating effectively. The Department enjoys full authority to scrutiny any and all of organization records, physical properties, and personnel relevant to any function under review. The scope of Internal Audit encompasses the examination and evaluation of the adequacy and effectiveness of the organization's governance, risk management process, system of internal control structure, and the quality of performance in carrying out assigned responsibilities to achieve the organization's stated goals and objective.

Talent Management

The Department of Talent Management (DTM) oversees all the human resource issues of Union Group, including, but not limited to recruitment, orientation, promotion, pay and incentive, motivation, training etc. Industry standard SOPS and policies are followed for all the decisions and executions of this department. The philosophy of Union Group is to nurture talents to get the best out of employees through motivation, opportunities and provision for room for growth. The Group believes that a happy and dedicated employee is an asset that provides nutrients for the Group for the long term scope for development. DTM has the right yet flexible policies in place, aligned with the philosophy of the Group management so that the turnover is minimized and concurrently employee loyalty and commitment increase for the best of the interest of both the Group and the individual as well.

Information Technology

Given the influence of technology and the ease and efficiency it brings to professional domain La mere de embraced the blessings of technology decades back. The company's IT Department was established initially to generate simple reports and build databases whose work arena has increased by leaps and bounds in recent times. From generating multi-formatted reports on a click to tracking attendance, the IT Department is working round the clock to keep pace with the rest of the professional world. For program development, maintenance of systems and connectivity IT Department has a team of highly skilled programmers and network specialists. They already have developed software for trading, manufacturing, POS, Website and HR management for all sister concerns. The Group is using their in-house developed trading software for its business. This is covering import, sales, delivery and stock management. They are also administering their channel partner's sales and stock through the online software from the corporate headquarters. The Department also have successfully developed and implemented ERP for its concerns.

Besides, the management of websites, employee attendance and digital security systems implemented by the IT Department has been a great success.The development team is now developing a complete Garments Manufacturing Software . This will assist in knowing the stocks and sales quantity of a the concern.

Supply chain managemnet

Supply chain management already has become an integral part of the corporate world La mere de management realizes the importance of supply chain and has established a strong, dedicated Supply Chain Team for the entire Group. Union group Supply Chain Management oversees and optimizes the processes of acquiring inputs from suppliers (purchasing), converting those inputs into a finished product (production), and delivering those products – or outputs - to customers (fulfillment). La mere de's supply chain is totally aligned with the basic supply chain concept followed by the global business house and it is developing everyday as per business requirements. We already have established a dynamic distribution channel throughout the country so that we can get closer to our customers and we also have dedicated logistics teams to correlate with suppliers and customer negotiation. Our sourcing teams keep close intimation with international vendors to maintain smooth supply chain over the Group function.